PTH Brixen | Philosophy Days of Brixen
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Philosophy Days of Brixen

The Philosophy Days of Brixen shed light on ecological, social and economic developments in the Alpine region from a philosophical and ethical perspective.
They are aimed at a broader audience and want to enrich the socio-political discussion.

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PTH Brixen | Philosophy Days of Brixen

Really gender equitable?!

The Brixen Philosophy Days 2024 will take place from 13-14 September on the topic:

Really gender-equitable?!
On role models, power imbalances and behavioural options

Programme and folder: see German web page

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Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Brixen
Piazza Seminario 4
39042 Bressanone/Brixen // Italy
VAT no.: IT00414770214
T +39 0472 271120 //